
Metal Sculpting & Repoussé

An introduction to the understanding of metals and sculpture. How can a flat sheet of metal be forged and acquire volume? What is the repoussé technique? When is a sheet metal torn apart and when does it bend without cracking? Under which conditions can a spiral wire maintain its elasticity? How do we make our own tools?

 This course is addressed to people familiar with basic silversmithing techniques, who wish to discover the plasticity of metal by making metal sculpture forms.

The course’s syllabus will be completed in 2 cycles of 80 hours of classes in total. Registration for each cycle is realized in September and January respectively. There is also the option to attend one cycle.

Tutor: Dimitris Nikolaidis

1st cycle:

During the first cycle, we will be making three-dimensional forms with forged wires and pierced articulated sheet metals. The creation of various types of jewelry will follow, applying the repoussé technique, as well as the placement of glass mosaic into a metal case.

Duration: 40 hours / October 12th – December 14th 2024
Day: Saturday, 11:00 – 15:00
Number of participants: 6 to 10 individuals
Participation fee: 440 € + VAT 24%
Tutor: Dimitris Nikolaidis


2nd cycle:

In the second cycle, we will work on the inlay of glass into a hollow metal bead. We will make a bracelet from thick wire with a built-in closure-mechanism. An articulated closure from forged wires comes next, while we will elaborate on the repoussé technique with more demanding forms. To close, we will create our own tools-chisels for the repoussé technique.

Workshop Duration: 40 hours /  January 11th – March 15th 2025   &   40 hours / March 22nd – June 21st 2025
Day: Saturday, 11:00 – 15:00
Number of participants: 6 to 10 individuals
Participation fee: 440 € + VAT 24% (40h)
Tutor: Dimitris Nikolaidis

Participants undertake the cost of necessary materials.