An exhibition that questions and wonders about the multiple facets of
contemporary jewelry
“How do you wear this ring?”
“Is your brooch dangerous?”
“Why is your necklace so big?”
The exhibition “Is this jewelry?” does not have all the answers; but, it has numerous ideas to get the discussion started and also numerous creators and jewelry in order to make it an interesting one. Still, the most important is its desire to guide you through the fascinating world of contemporary jewelry, the way participants and creators are experiencing it. The journey of an exhibition by the students of Anamma studio from Greece all the way to Brazil in search of answers…
Anastasia Agglopoulou, Anna Vlahos, Yiota Vogli, Katerina Glyka,Ioanna Grigoriou,, Evangelia Dimitriou, Aggelika Diplari, Anastasia Kandaraki,Lily Kanellopoulou, Hara Kourtali, Angelo Konstantakato, Sevi Mavrelou, Sotiria Bramou, Elli Xippa,Iakinthi Oikonomou, Anna Pervolaraki, Stella Vatista Petraki, Myrto Prokopiou, Elena Simou, Stefania Sioufa, Theodora Daraklitsa,Chrysa Chatzikonstantinidou
Founder and Instructor of Anamma studio:
Anastasia Kandaraki
Duration of the exhibition: December 15 to February 10, 2016
Opening: December 15 at 17:00
Hours: Monday – Friday from 10:00 to 19:00
Place: Galeria Alice Floriano,Felix da Cunha
street,1143,Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Is this jewelry?
A question that came up in Greece and went all the way to Brazil in search for an answer.
By Anamma, contemporary jewelry studio, Athens, Greece
At Galleria Alice Floriano, Porto Allegre, Brazil
anamma studio
Contemporary jewelry seminars
Athens- Greece
Blog – Is this jewelry? Project-exhibition