Online Lecture Angelos Konstantakatos – Jewelry Maker Wednesday, 23 February, 19.00-20.30

Angelos Konstantakatos studied Architecture in Athens and worked for almost 30 years by designing and building houses and stores. At the same time, he specialized in lighting studies, through which he learned to observe the alternation of light and shadow. Throughout this time, he learned techniques from many professions involving construction, which proved to be very useful in his hobby of DIY activities. His passion for tools and his inner need to create led him by chance to the world of contemporary art jewelry. At the same time, his love for nature and animals taught him about life, joy, death, rebirth, perpetuation and uniqueness, notions that are reflected in his jewelry as well.
Angelos Konstantakatos, a graduate of Anamma, awarded twice in Athens Jewelry Week for his work and a member of Homo Faber Guide – Michelangelo Foundation, reveals through his speech: “The tools, the techniques, the materials, the nature, the light, the way of thinking…
Only by referring to the above – the importance and the role that each one holds for me – can I interpret my work. What I make and mainly why I make this jewelry. What role did architecture, lighting, photography and the collection of antique tools play in shaping the identity of my jewelry? What are my sources of inspiration, how do the materials guide me in new techniques and according to which criteria? What is the methodology applied throughout for the creation of jewelry made of organic materials?”
Lecturer : Angelos Konstantakatos | https://www.instagram.com/angeloskonstantakatos/ The online lecture will be realized via ZOOM. Language: Greek To register, you can contact us at +30 6972848300 or info@anamma.gr