Two-day seminar with Evangelos Papapostolou
23 & 24 November 2013
Duration: 6 hours
A two- day workshop with the artist Evangelo Papapostolou at Anamma studio. ( http://www.saatchionline.com/epapapostolou ). Based on the lessons of three famous painters & art theorists, Wassily Kandisky, Paul Klee, Johannes Itten and filtered by E. Papapostolou. The course travelled all us into the paths of art.Evangelos says:
” … let us examine the idea that a work of art cannot be considered a snapshot, an object that was finished when its creator had decided, but an unstable situation, a story with countless versions that begins the moment the viewer gets in touch with the artwork . I ‘m not referring only to narrative works that present a ” frame” of a real or fictional story but also to infigurative creations , where shapes , colors , levels and whatever else the artist has at his or her disposal , have been exploited in such a way that we become a part of an evolving situation.
Starting from a point and its travel in space, from colors and shapes, we will tour the sphere of creation and the “reading” of creations as a dynamic phenomenon , using all our senses . On this trip we will be accompanied by the lessons of W. Kandinsky, P. Klee, J. Itten, as well as my own observations as a painter, a teacher and a student. ” E. Papapostolou
Did our eyes, sometimes, fool us??? So.. what is real???
n a way , everything is being expressed…And after…when we saw, we discussed, we discovered..we went into action…………….