Άγγελος Κωνσταντακάτος


Sometimes in life, you wonder…what stays and what goes…

How can something last?

Is what I see the obvious?

Can I change something that is theoretically outside of my influence?

It happened once that I had in front of me a mushroom, something common, something paltry which occurs naturally in thousands of species and in infinite quantities. Something that is sensitive, volatile, a part of the food chain providing the basic needs for the survival of some animal. Something that after germination in the wild, if there were no human intervention, it would be eaten or decompose naturally.

I decided to get involved and intervene in this process…I wanted the common to be unique, the volatile to be constant, the transient to be permanent…I wanted the mushroom to eventually cover a far more sophisticated need than originally intended…

The process was difficult because the mushroom did not understand the change in its destiny and resisted. It was trying to live like it knew, dying and coming to life again and again until the death was definitive…

Death, which was the prerequisite for the regeneration and transformation…

New shape, new color, new textures, new toughness, new life, new use and especially

a new role…

Having been transformed into jewelry the new mushroom enriches the emotional world

of person who rejoices!!!